Cynthia Sanders, 3rd - 4th Teacher


Cynthia Sanders is our 3 and 4th grade teacher. She blesses LCS with 17 years of experience teaching both in public schools, a Montessori school, and private Christian schools. She has a BA degree from Florida Atlantic University and a master’s degree in Education and Administration from Simpson University. Most impressive is Cynthia’s extensive knowledge of how to work effectively with elementary children. Equally impressive is her heart to see God move in and through the children. Cynthia shares, “In Christian education, we have the opportunity to restore a lost standard of truth, honor, and respect to students and their families. We have a holy call to cover them in prayer, teach them with training and admonition of the Lord, and prepare them to be salt in a world that grapples with darkness. Christian schools are missionary training facilities regardless if our students end up in ministry or choose to go into any other occupational endeavor to touch society. I firmly believe children are our future, and we are their guardians.