Mission & Beliefs — Liberty Christian School Redding

We are currently looking for preschool and elementary teachers. Click here for an application

Our Mission Drives Everything We Do

Liberty Christian School exists by God’s Grace and for His Glory.  Students benefit from the caring community, the small class sizes, and the quality Christ-centered education they receive. Liberty functions in partnership with parents and churches in order to fulfill our mission of mentoring children in understanding that God is at the center of every pursuit. Our passion is to see Liberty students grow into perceptive, caring Christians who engage their culture with a biblical worldview that results in a transforming influence.

Our Beliefs Create a Different Type of Learning Environment


We believe in God as Author and Sustainer of all, thus God is the final authority for all manner of living.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ, our Savior, is the one and only Son of God. Our ministry starts with passionate teachers who have a personal relationship with Him. Our goal is to introduce students to Jesus Christ and to help them understand who He is and to develop a closer relationship with Him.

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is a member of the triune Godhead and teaches truth through the gifting of the staff. We believe that the Holy Spirit uses faithful teachers and instructors to create and promote a fruitful educational environment that is able to convict students of sin, righteousness, and judgment through the teaching of His Word.


We hold the Bible to be the complete, inerrant, and final revelation of God concerning all matters of faith, truth, and practice (II Peter 1:20-22). We teach subjects from a biblical worldview with the desire to affect the whole student, not just the intellect (II Timothy 3:16-17).

Purpose (school-collective)

We believe that God has given the responsibility of education to the parents. We come alongside the parents to help them educate their children through a biblical worldview. Through our actions and words, students will be challenged to develop their relationship with Jesus Christ. Having a solid foundation in God’s Word with high academic standards, we desire to train our students to think critically and make wise decisions that will impact the world for His glory.

Purpose (student-individual)

Recognizing a student’s spiritual potential, unique nature, and developing character, our purpose is to lead students into a personal saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is our desire to develop Christ-like individuals who aspire to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God, impacting their home, community, nation, and world.

Teachers / Staff

All staff members are born again believers whose walk is consistent with biblical teaching. All teachers are professionally educated and continually strive to teach at a high level of critical thinking.

Family / Church / School

God designed the family to be primarily responsible for the academic and spiritual training of their children and the school is to serve as an extension of the family’s responsibility.  Liberty Christian School reinforces (or introduces) a biblical worldview and provides a safe and godly learning environment.

Subject Matter (disciplines)

We believe that our teaching should begin with God’s Word and all subject matter and content should be built on that foundation. All of creation reflects those truths, and all knowledge is consistent with and points to God as our Creator and the Author of all knowledge.