Dress Code — Liberty Christian School Redding

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Liberty Christian School Dress Code

Dress code is frequently a point of contention, frustration, and distraction in Christian schools for students, parents, and faculty. This ought not to be, yet it is. Rather than ignore the reality, perhaps a few pertinent remarks would be helpful.

The Scriptures only touch the issue of dress through principles.  A Christian school dress code can be dealt with on a “spiritual” basis, only as it relates to biblical principles.  The underlying principles are not usually a source of contention.  They are more frequently related to institutional preferences, which the school chooses.  Two different Christian schools that are equally committed to the Scriptures may have different dress guidelines for their faculty and students.  Just as churches and families also have varying perspectives, each school necessarily establishes boundaries that conform to its mission.


The principles found in I Timothy 2:9-10, 4:12 and Titus 2:6-8 teach:

(1)  Appropriateness: “in harmony with the situation”

(2) Modesty: “moral sensibility within the bounds of propriety”

(3) Humility: “not proud or self-assertive”

In addition, neatness, respect, and gender distinction are basic to the code.

The school established its rules of dress to meet these standards and also to reasonably enforce them.  Some specific items of dress are not permitted at school because of the difficulty in making fine distinctions between appropriate and inappropriate attire.

Judgments of interpretation are always a part of dress code implementation.  Students and parents with questions are encouraged to check with the administration before purchasing clothing.

Note to Parents 

Parents are encouraged to teach their children to live happily and submissively within the code’s guidelines.  Nitpicking criticism, to which any set of rules is susceptible, creates a spirit of unrest in children.  We want to prevent the dress code from becoming a major issue at LCS.  Even though we readily acknowledge that much of the dress code is mere institutional preference, it is not optional.  Students are expected to comply with the code and parents are expected to monitor compliance before their children leave home. We are not here to be “clothes police.”  It is inappropriate that complying students, teachers, or principals be distracted from the educational process, due to someone failing in his or her commitment to follow the code.