Cynthia Lattin, 3-4’s Teacher
Cynthia Lattin is our 3 & 4 age preschool teacher. Cynthia comes to us with 27 years of experience working with young children in a variety of settings. She has a loving heart and vast knowledge of
how to work with the preschool age child. She is best described as the Early Childhood Education credentialed grandmother every child should have. Cynthia shares, “Deep within my heart I have felt that I have been called to teach and be of service to others. We are living in a special age that children need to know the Lord, and how to receive His wisdom and love. We also live in an era of high academic standards that our society requires. I wish to teach within a Christian school setting where God’s Word is shared daily and high academic standards are the norm. It will be an honor and a privilege to serve and teach at Liberty Christian School.”