Welcome to our Liberty Christian Kindergarten!
Important things to know:
Being on time is very important!
School begins at 8:30 a.m.
School dismisses at 1:30 Monday - Friday.
Early Arrival:
Children will be taken to daycare at 1:45 p.m. Childcare is available before and after school; please check with the school office. Please send me a note if your child is to attend daycare, after school.
Snacks: Please send a small healthy snack for your child to enjoy first recess. Please try to use disposable containers or wrappers for snack time. Water bottles with easy to use lids are preferred.
Tardies: If you are late, please stop by the office for a tardy slip. Your child may put the slip on my desk and then quietly join the group. If you need to relay important information to me, please wait in the doorway, and I will come to you as quickly as I can.
Hot Lunch: Lunches are ordered a month ahead of time. We eat lunch in the cafeteria area.
Dress Code: Please follow the school guidelines for modest dress at school and school activities. Girls, please wear shorts under your skirts. Dresses and skirts should be knee length. Leggings may not be worn as pants, unless accompanied by a dress or skirt that is knee length. Girls may also wear capris. Knee length shorts, pants or jeans may be worn by boys or girls. Boys, Polo type shirts do not have to be tucked in, while button up shirts should be tucked in. Thank you! Parents, please follow the dress code when you come to help in class. It is important to set a good example for the children. Thank you!
School Spirit Days on Fridays!
Students may wear red, white and blue on Fridays to show school spirit. Go Patriots!!!
Extra Clothes: It is nice to have a quick change of clothes in your child’s backpack for a surprise situation.
Medicines: I do not administer medicine. Please check with the office, if the need arises.
EVENTS: We plan to have several field trips and events this year. The following are tentatively planned: Shasta College Farm Visit, Thanksgiving Celebration, Christmas Program, 100th Day of School, Clifford’s Valentine Party, Teddy Bear Picnic, Grandparents’ Day, Planetarium, Turtle Bay Museum, Open House, Graduation Celebration.
Report Cards: Report Cards will be easy to understand. Children will be given number grades corresponding to - E Excellent, S+ Satisfactory plus, S Satisfactory, S- Below Satisfactory, and N Needs Help. Point value will be given to each letter. (E=5pts,S+=4pts, etc.) Conferences will be held in the fall and during third quarter. Our goal is to reflect your child’s academic progress and character development throughout the year.
Website: The KINDERGARTEN NEWSLETTER will be available online. My e-mail address is
BLUE FOLDER: Please check the blue “take home” folder every day. I will send your child’s newsletter home each Monday, and also papers for you to review. As time goes on, his/her homework will also come home via this folder and will also be returned via this folder. This is an extremely important folder!!
Examples of Homework:
*Bible Verse for the week,*Flash card review and practice *Practice pages, *Projects
At the beginning of the year, I will ask you to please read to your child several nights a week. This will be recorded on his/her reading log. Prizes may be earned by having 12 entries. Each entry will begin at 15 and increase to 20-30 minutes. Later, your child will be reading to you!!
Field Trips: Field Trips are being planned and arranged for the year. We usually need drivers for our trips. Parents who drive children other than their own, must have the required insurance. Forms may be filled out for the office before the day of our field trip.