
Enrollment Fee - $200 Non-refundable.  Due at time of enrollment.

Curriculum Fee - $150 Due at enrollment or by June 1st

Tuition is based on the calendar school year (1st day of school- last day of school year.)  Our preschool follows the school calendar.

A 5% discount is offered for siblings in our preschool program.

Carpet Time will begin at 8:45 A.M. and lunch is at 12:00.

Extended Childcare Hours

Preschool students may only arrive in the classroom 15 minutes before class begins.  If you need childcare before that time, you may use our elementary childcare.  Elementary childcare is available before school from 7:00 A.M. until 8:15 and after school until 5:30 P.M.  The fee for before and after school childcare is $4.50 per hour and will be billed separately from tuition at the end of each month.